乔治•赫伯特•雷•马洛里(George Herbert Leigh Mallory,1886年6月18日-1924年6月8日)是英国探险家,在尝试攀登珠穆朗玛峰途中丧生。马洛里曾就读于温切斯特公学和剑桥大学,与著名经济学家约翰•梅纳德•凯恩斯曾经是同学与好友。马洛里曾是英国著名公学查特豪斯(Charterhouse)的教师与书院长(Housemaster)。
Rock climbing is one of today's most popular 'extreme sports.' Although many women are involved, the sport retains a particularly male image and culture. Everyday Masculinities and Extreme Sport" presents the first in-depth study of rock climbing in the UK, analysing what it reveals about the contemporary construction and performance of masculinity through sport. One of the key concerns of the book is the relationship between everyday masculinity and the pursuit of the extraordinary through sport. Drawing on insights from sociology and gender studies, the book challenges traditional approaches to the analysis of sport."。